Energy, Thermal Comfort & Daylight performance simulations

Aspire Sustainability Consulting specialise in building performance simulations for a range of applications:
  • Compliance modelling for NCC Section J Verification methods;
  • NABERS Energy modelling;
  • Green Star Energy modelling;
  • Thermal modelling for customised applications; &
  • HVAC system performance analysis.
  • Daylight factor simulations for Green Star
  • Spatial Daylight Autonomy simulation for Green Star & WELL Building Standard
Thermal Comfort
  • Thermal Comfort simulations for NCC Compliance
  • Thermal Comfort for Green Star & WELL Building Standard

ESD Reports for DA

Over the last few months local councils have been introducing more stringent measures relating to the sustainable design of a development in to Development Control Plans (DCP’s). Aspire Sustainability Consulting provide concise ESD reports addressing controls and objectives within applicable DCP’s to assist our clients through the development and planning approval process.

Concept Stage Consulting

Sustainability is often considered too late in the design phase, missing key opportunities to improve the energy performance and comfort of a development with simple design solutions that don’t raise project construction costs. Considering key ESD principles as early in the design process as possible can allow these opportunities can be realised, assisting developments to meet required sustainability ratings or energy performance targets with minimal cost uplift.
Aspire Sustainability Consulting specialise in providing concept stage and masterplan advice to our clients relating to:
  • Site Orientation
  • Thermal Mass
  • Façade performance
  • Thermal Bridging
  • Material Selection
Aspire can assist with concept design strategies for:
  • Development Applications
  • NABERS Energy & Water for Hotels, Offices & Shopping Centres
  • Developments targeting Green Star or WELL certification

Other Services

Aspire Sustainability Consulting also provide the following services:
  • Energy Audits and Upgrade Reports
  • Rating Tool Gap Analysis
  • Sustainability Workshops
  • Renewable Energy Feasibility Studies
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